Jong-Han Kim - Publications


  • Y.-J. Kim, J. Choi, J. Choi, and J.-H. Kim, “A First-Order Approach for Nonlinear Optimal Control Under Nonconvex Constraints,” Optimization and Engineering (under review).

  • J.-S. Park, G.-H. Kim, H.-H. Kwon, and J.-H. Kim, “Huber-Based Asynchronous Fusion Filter for Robust Multirate Sensor Processing,” International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (under review).

  • J.-H. Kim, C.-S. Park, and M.-J. Tahk, “An accelerated co-evolutionary algorithm using neural networks,” in Proc. 37th JSASS Aircraft Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 1999.



Articles in Korean

  • J.-H. Kim, S. Lall, and C.-K. Ryoo, “Optimal salvo guidance under fixed communication topology,” in Proc. 16th Missile Systems Conference, Oct. 2012.

  • K.-R. Choi, J.-H. Kim, J.-Y. Ahn, and M.-J. Tahk, “Controller design by using CEALM optimization techniques,” in Proc. 11th Missile Systems Conference, Oct. 2001.