ASE3093: Automatic Control
Course Info.
Course descriptions
Undergraduate entry level control course covering dynamic system modeling,
Laplace transform and transfer functions, frequency domain analysis,
state space descriptions, classical control design techniques, stability margins, and so on.
Office hours
Reference textbooks
Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, by Franklin, Powell, and Emami-Naeini, 8th ed.
Grading policy
Course Contents and Reference Notes
Feedback and closed-loop systems
Dynamic modeling of mechanical systems
Dynamic modeling and linearization
Linear dynamical systems and Laplace transform
Describing linear dynamical systems
Impulse response
Time domain responses and stability
Block diagrams and feedback interconnection
Block diagram algebra
Poles and eigenvalues
Steady state error and system types
Steady state error rejection
Effects of pole locations on time domain responses
Root locus and design examples
Frequency response
Frequency domain analysis
Bode plots
Stability margin
Nyquist stability criteria
Computational Exercises
The link directs to the associated Jupyter notebook file, which opens on Google Colaboratory when the “Open in Colab” button is clicked.
Feedback systems
Solutions of linear homogeneous ODEs
Python control systems library
Step responses and dominant poles
Root locus
Bode plots, Nyquist plots, and stability margins
Homework assignments will be posted here occasionally.
Sample Exams
2018 Midterm and solutions
2018 Final and solutions
2020 Midterm