Jong-Han Kim - Research Topics


Deep learning model for off-road vehicle state estimation

funded by Hyundai Motor Company (2025-2026)

  • PINN-based deep learning model for estimating vehicle speed under wheel slip conditions

  • State estimation of off-road vehicles via classical Kalman filering

AI-based moving target tracking and situational awareness using sensor networks

funded by Hanwha Aerospace (2025-2025)

  • AI-based techniques for moving target identification from microphone arrays

  • Distributed estimation for multiple target localization via sensor networks

Optimal control and actuator allocation for satellites with on-off thrusters

funded by SATREC Initiative (2024-2025)

  • Exploring a variety of formulations for optimal thruster allocation problems

  • Developing attitude controllers and mission planners

Flight dynamics module development for satellite ground control systems

funded by Lumir (2024-2025)

  • Developing 6DOF flight dynamics model for small satellites

  • Developing high fidelity simulation models for sensors and actuators of small satellites

Mission effectiveness analysis and optimization for VTOL aircrafts

funded by Korea Research Institute for Defense Technology Planning and Advancement (2023-2029)

  • Mathematical modeling of detections signals for various detection sensors against VTOL aircrafts

  • Mission trajectory generation for optimal mission effectiveness and survivability of VTOL aircrafts

Real-time optimal guidance and control techniques for reusable launchers

funded by Korea Aerospace Research Institute (2023-2027)

  • Embedded optimization solvers for real-time powered descent guidance problems

  • Performance verification techniques for on-board powered descent guidance algorithms

Optimal orbit transfer and guidance for LEO satellites

funded by SATREC Initiative (2023-2025)

  • Optimal low thrust orbit transfer for LEO satellites

  • Optimal guidance for LEO satellites

Reentry guidance and control techniques for reusable unmanned space vehicles

funded by Korea Research Institute for Defense Technology Planning and Advancement (2022-2028)

  • Optimal reentry guidance and trajectory planning for reusable unmanned space planes

  • Precision flight control and control allocation for reusable unmanned space planes

Optimal mission assignment for multiple mobile robots

funded by Korea Research Institute for Defense Technology Planning and Advancement (2022-2026)

  • Optimal mission assignment for mobile robots via mixed integer programming and convex programming on cloud computing environments

  • Cloud computing based learning and inference techniques

Future space exploration and in-situ resource utilization technology research center

funded by National Research Foundation of Korea (2022-2026)

  • Precision space navigation and guidance techniques for space exploration

  • In-situ water resource utilization for sustainable space exploration

Optimal collision-free path planning for multiple vehicles

funded by Korea Aerospace Research Institute (2021-2025)

  • Optimal cooperative path planning with collision avoidance

  • Meta learning-based path planning via disciplined parametrized programming

Cooperative guidance for theatre missile defense systems

funded by Agency for Defense Development (2020-2026)

  • Optimal cooperative guidance for team of interceptors

  • Cooperative battle damage assessment and mission planning for team of interceptors

Artificial intelligence for guidance and control of missile systems

funded by Agency for Defense Development (2020-2025)

  • Data-driven techniques for control systems analysis and synthesis

  • Data-driven techniques for flight performance analysis and prediction


Anomaly prediction from the trajectory track data of civil aircrafts

funded by SK Telecom (2024-2024)

  • Designing a transformer-based model to predict future behaviors of aircrafts

  • Developing an autoencoder-based model to provide preventive alarms on potential anomaly

Launch point estimation from radar measurements of ballistic targets

funded by LIG Nex1 (2024-2024)

  • Formulating the inverse problem to estimate the launch parameters that best explains the observed data

  • Using automatic differentiation to numerically solve the inverse problems

Aerial target classification using radar measurements

funded by LIG Nex1 (2023-2024)

  • Aerial target dynamic simulation and radar signal modeling

  • Deep learning based classifier design for aerial targets

AI-based collision detection and avoidance algorithms for smart drones

funded by Moasoft (2021-2024)

  • Detect and avoid algorithm based on deep learning and reinforcement learning

  • Online trajectory design techniques based on artificial intelligence and optimization techniques

Failure mode analysis for space launchers

funded by Hanwha Aerospace (2023-2024)

  • Probabilistic analysis of trajectories of space launchers and scheduled debris

  • Failure modes and effects analysis for space launchers

Engagement simulation for close-in weapon systems

funded by LIG Nex1 (2022-2024)

  • High fidelity simulation for close-in weapon systems and target anti-ship missiles

  • Filtering and aiming algorithms for close-in weapon systems

Model based design for fault tolerant control of turbofan engines

funded by Agency for Defense Development (2022-2024)

  • Model predictive control techniques for turbofan engines

  • Model identification and fault detection techniques for turbofan engines

Guidance, navigation, and control techniques for large divert soft landing of reusable launchers

funded by National Research Foundation of Korea (2022-2023)

  • Embedded convex optimization based large divert soft landing techniques for reusable launchers

  • Flight demonstration on a TVC controlled methane rocket

Advanced pilot assistance systems based on deep reinforcement learning

funded by Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology (2018-2023)

  • Collision avoidance techniques based on end-to-end deep reinforcement learning

  • Validations on embedded GPUs and flight tests on fixed wing aircrafts

Optimal mission assignment for multiple UAVs

funded by Agency for Defense Development (2021-2022)

  • Optimal UAV path planning via convex programming techniques

  • Optimal multiple UAVs mission assignment via mixed integer programming

Parallel convex optimization for large-scale machine learning acceleration

funded by National Research Foundation of Korea (2019-2022)

  • Developing efficient large-scale convex optimization solvers running on GPUs

  • A variety of large-scale convex programming applications, including integrated guidance systems, compressed sensing, inverse problems, and so on.

Re-entry and landing for reusable launch vehicles

funded by Korea Aerospace Research Institute (2019-2021)

  • Convex programming for optimal soft landing of reusable launch vehicles

  • Actuator allocation via convex programming

Fault detection and reconfigurable flight control systems for passenger aerial vehicles

funded by Korea Aerospace Research Institute (2019-2021)

  • Control allocation via online convex programming

  • Fault detection and identification via deep neural networks

3D computer generated holography via convex programming

funded by Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (2019-2020)

  • Computer generated holography by using convex programming with sharpness-enhancing objective functions

Synthetic aperture radar processing based on compressed sensing

funded by Agency for Defense Development (2018-2020)

  • Radar imaging quality improvement via compressed sensing

  • Large-scale convex programming research

Integrated guidance and control under state constraints

  • Constrained integrated guidance and control problems cast as online convex programming

  • Handles various constraints on guidance performance, seeker's tracking performance, flight quality, and so on

Machine learning based intelligent guidance techniques

  • Online \(\ell_1\)-regularized optimization for optical misalignment cancellation of strap-down seekers.

  • Target shape identification using RF signals based on unsupervised learning.

Integrated guidance and control for constrained precision homing

  • Finite horizon integrated guidance and control for constrained terminal homing of high performance missile systems.

Guidance and control designs for full-scale missile development programs

  • Highly reliable guidance and control design/implementation for several state-of-the-art missile systems development programs.

  • The works include classical, optimal, or robust control for highly unstable airframes and high-fidelity flight simulation techniques.

Optimal decentralized control for large-scale networked systems

  • Theoretical studies on optimal decentralized control using convex analysis and convex optimization.

  • Characterizes convex problems and explicitly solvable problems in optimal control of networked systems under information constraints.

Decentralized control for jet engine systems

  • Suboptimal decentralized \(H_2/H_\infty\) control synthesis.

  • Convex relaxation and convex approximation of nonconvex optimal control problems.

  • Application to jet engine control systems.

Multiscale/stochastic consensus for decentralized estimation

  • Multiscale concepts to applied to consensus problems, for scalable distributed estimation.

  • Stochastic message passing for convergence acceleration. Application to decentralized estimation problems.

Tactical missile systems integration

  • Mission profile design, operational performance/effectiveness analysis.

  • Flight performance analysis.

  • Engineering level 6-DOF flight dynamics simulation.

Attitude control for small satellites

  • Design and experiments for attitude control of flexible satellites.

  • Ground test modules development.

Co-evolutionary algorithms for constrained optimization

  • Constrained optimization, minimax optimization using evolutionary computation.

  • Applications to design problems or control problems.

  • Convergence acceleration by using artificial neural network