LEO6006: Data Science and Machine Learning for Aerospace Systems


  • Welcome to LEO6006: Data Science and Machine Learning for Aerospace Systems.

Course Info.

Course descriptions

  • This course provides a theoretical foundation for data science and machine learning. It covers key concepts, including regression, classification, probabilistic supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and optimization. Emphasis is placed on understanding the mathematical principles and theoretical frameworks underlying these techniques, with applications to aerospace domains.



  • Tue/Thr 16:00-17:15 (Rm.217 @aerospace campus)

Office hours

  • JHK: Tue/Thr 17:30-19:00 (Rm.507), or by appointments.


  • Previous exposure to linear algebra, probability, and programming.

  • Working knowledge on optimization will be a plus.

Reference textbooks

Grading policy

  • No exams.

  • Students will be evaluated by their homework assignments.

Lecture Notes

The course material is reproduced from the EE104: Introduction to machine learning by Sanjay Lall and Stephen Boyd at Stanford university, under their kind permission.

  1. Course overview

  2. Predictors and regression

  3. Least squares linear regression

  4. Validation

  5. Features

  6. Empirical risk minimization

  7. Regularization

  8. Non-quadratic losses

  9. Non-quadratic regularizers

  10. Neural networks

  11. Classification

  12. ERM for classification

  13. Boolean classification

  14. Multi-class classification

  15. Probabilistic classification

  16. ERM for probabilistic classification

  17. Unsupervised learning

  18. Principal components analysis

  19. Optimization

  20. Prox-gradient method


Several sets of occasional homeworks will be assigned. You are encouraged to work in groups, however everyone should turn in his/her own work.


These are some data and the Python codes in .ipynb notebook files that we are using for lectures or homework assignments.